32 year old Simranpreet from Rajasthan, is pregnant for the 7th time. A mother of two daughters, she faces economic hardship and the constant societal pressure to have a male child.
By working together with indigenous artists around the globe, Roots Studio has created a revolutionary system of curating, then digitizing, handmade prints like the ones you see in our collaboration collection.
A visual documentation of Kal's work in Ladakh, their philosophy and how their wool is made into handcrafted textiles based on the textile traditions of the nomadic Kharnak tribe.
SWATI, in partnership with International Centre for Research on Women (ICRW) has undertaken a pilot initiative kNOw fear.
The project looks at rural women’s safety in public spaces and its impact on their lives.
CRY's vision: A happy, healthy and creative child whose rights are protected and honoured in a society that is built on respect for dignity, justice and equity for all.
A short film on the Society for Women’s Action and Training Initiative (SWATI) actions to help the rural Health Sector in India to be responsive to violence against women.
A short film produced for IndiaAlliance to commemorate their 10 year journey investing in transformative ideas and research focused in health and biomedical sciences in India.